Saturday 31 October 2009

Happy Birthday

Present 1: From M, a pack of carton stickers
Present 2: Housemate S wrote "Happy Birthday" on the mirror in the bathroom and it is the biggest surprise ever when I saw it the moment I went into brush my teeth. Also a silver envelope is next to it. (Though it is one day ahead)
Present 3: Call from my father. He said his birthday is on 30th, so he thought mine is one 30th. I told him I thought his birthday is on 31st because mine is on 31st.
Present 4: Dinning out with S.
Present 5: The letter from housemate S: a tear-triggering letter, a Buddhist protection, a pair of earrings she has worn before
Present 6: Birthday wishes from Ben & Sal.
Present 7: a painting from Sal to come based on questions below:
- favorite color: navy blue
- favorite artist: Salvador Dali
- favorite painting: Melting clock
- favorite pastime: reading
- favorite animal: piggie
- favorite place:dessert/Bristol

Thanks for people above. You made me treasure my life.
There should always be a thanks for my dearest MOM. I love you. It's because of your bravery that I can have my life.

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